Another season of Twilight at Taronga is over for 2017.
17 x Shows over 7 x weeks featuring - Peter Garrett, Jo Jo Zep + The Sports, The Rubens, Killing Heidi, Kasey Chambers, Ball Park Music, Jet, George, James Morrison, Bjron Again, Kurt Vile, The Living End, Teenaage Fanclub and Martha Wainwright.
Once again our Martin Audio MLAc provided awesome quality audio and coverage with no off site noise issues - however, we did use our 2 x 10Eazy noise monitoring systems (at FOH and venue perimeter) - just to be sure.
House consoles were a Digidesign Profile at FOH and a Yamaha CL5 on monitors.
Martin Audio LE1200 wedges + Dynacord Madras powered drumsub / top completed the on stage audio.
We also supplied a backline package of Yamaha drums, Roland keyboard, Ampeg bass rig, VOX AC30 + Fender Blues DeVille.
Our riser package was used across the season in various configurations to suit each act.
Lighting this year used - Martin Rush MH7, Martin TW1, Martin Aura, SGM X5 LED Strobes, 1k Fresnels, Molefay Duets all run from a RoadHog 4 FullBoar.
This pic (by Christian McBride) sums up this event - sunset over Sydney Harbour on a balmy summer night with great music in a great location.